Accommodation availability 2025/26
The table below shows the houses which are available for 2025/26. All bedrooms have double beds. Click on each location for photos, a video viewing, floor plan and further information. If you'd like to arrange a viewing or for further details, please contact us.
Location |
Number of beds and bathrooms |
Price |
4 bed, 1 bathroom |
Reserved |
5 bed, 1 en-suite, 1 bathroom, 1 WC |
Reserved |
5 bed, 1 bathroom, 1 WC |
Reserved |
4 bed |
Reserved |
5 bed, 2 bathroom |
Reserved |
Rents are shown per person per week based on 52 weeks excluding bills unless otherwise stated. We ask for a deposit of £250 per student which is held in the Deposit Protection Service. We don't have application fees or admin fees.